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School Based Traineeships & Apprenticeships

At 天美传媒 we welcome student participation in School Based Traineeships and Apprenticeships (SBAT)

What is a School Based Traineeship or Apprenticeship?
A school-based traineeship is an agreement between the trainee and respective employer whereby the employer agrees to provide training in a specific industry, and the trainee agrees to work and learn, continuing their secondary schooling whilst being employed. Traineeships usually last between 9 and 48 months, depending on the vocation and certificate level undertaken. An example of a school attendance and work hours would be to attend school three to four days a week, depending on the school study program, and attend at least one day per week at work.

What are the benefits of a School based Traineeship/Apprenticeship?

  • Recruit keen young staff before they graduate from high school.
  • Employ and train a young person part-time in your business.
  • Meet the current and future skill needs of your business.
  • Give a young person realistic exposure to your industry.

Partnerships at 天美传媒

Developing partnerships with our wider business and community is imperative to the education and wellbeing of our young people at 天美传媒 and developing our communities future work force.

What does this mean for 天美传媒, Staff, Students, Parents and our wider community?
We have many exciting electives and curriculum choices for our students to take part in, but how do we link them to the world of work and to skills shortages in our region? How do we lift the aspiration of our students? By embracing our local community and including them in our classrooms and curriculum.

Examples of Industry/ Business/ Tertiary Institutions/Community in the classroom:

  • Excursions and tours to local businesses
  • Presenters in our classroom,
  • Speed Careering (speed dating format with an industry twist).
  • Universities and TAFE connecting on a regular basis presenting and mentoring students
  • Connecting with not-for-profit organisations providing volunteer experiences for students.
  • Connecting with Shepparton City Council and other organised youth teams
  • Referrals to careers programs such as Geared4Careers
  • Exploring opportunities with universities and businesses in Melbourne.
  • Delivering work readiness programs
  • School based Homework club
  • Work Experience
  • School Based Traineeships and Apprenticeships

And much more!

Not only do we partner with our local business and industry to lift the aspiration of our students, we are also a training college partnering with tertiary institutions and embracing pre-service teachers to develop the skills of our future staff.

Health and wellbeing is a core component of our college partnerships having Doctors in Schools and Allied Health professional services available onsite, to assist our students.

Industry engagement priority cohorts (IEPC)

IEPC aims to connect students in years 7 to 10 with the world of work by facilitating genuine and meaningful workplace learning opportunities. This program connects students with industry engagement and workplace learning opportunities and prepares and supports students and employers for a mutually beneficial industry experience. Students at 天美传媒 are participating in certificate programs Active Volunteering, Horticulture and Warehousing and Logistics. Students also undertake industry tours, work experience and work readiness programs to give them a genuine pathway to being successful in the world of work.